Teatro e spettacoli
(Teatro)^3 – Fra(m)menti di ricerca
In collaborazione con Voci Nel Deserto a Frascati per la settimana della scienza, è stato realizzato all’interno dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare un filmato in cui le “Voci” segnano e disegnano un percorso tra frammenti di ricerca, di memoria e libertà di pensiero.
Le “Voci” danno voce alla ricerca, recuperando quanto hanno scritto o detto, Richard Feynman, Stephen W.Hawking, A. Einstein, Immanuel Kant, Enrico Fermi, Galileo Galilei…
In Frascati for the Week of Science, in the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, a movie has been created. In this one the “Voices” mark and draw a path composed of pieces of research, pieces of memory and freedom of thought.
The “Voices” give voice to research, recovering what, Richard Feynman, Stephen W.Hawking, A. Einstein, Immanuel Kant, Enrico Fermi, Galileo Galilei, and other, have written or said.
“The Republic promotes the development of culture, scientific research and technology.
Protect the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the Nation.“
(Article 9 of the Italian Republic Constitution)
“Everyone has the right to have and to express free opinion, including the right not to be harassed for their opinion and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
(Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948)
The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who commit evil deeds but for those who keep saying nothing.
(Albert Einstein)
You candeny the water, not the thirst
(Eduardo Galeano)
Throughout the week the “Voices” will inhabit the space of fragmented (Theater) 3 set in the halls of the Aldobrandini Stables.
A three-dimensional box where spaces and sounds will follow indications of “Voices.”
A closed space but open in the same time, to be freely enjoyed by visitors who can choose where to sit, how much to stop and how many emotions take away.
Voices in the desert
A Marco Melloni’s idea
“Voices in the desert” is meeting with memory. The last Friday of each month, a rave theater open to everybody, where you can find free circulation of ideas, is organized. A free event that is celebrated in a non-institutional location and lives tank to generosity of actors and audience.
We are talking about a collective idea of a civil teather, free from copyright. Everybody can partecipate signaling pieces of ideas, posting videos, pronoting the event or replicating it in other italian cities
“We are a country without memory, that’s means without history. Italy removes her past and lose it in watching tv. It preserves just some little peaces of it, that could be useful for an italian conversion”. Pier Paolo Pasolini writed these words on Corriere della Sera, more than thirty years ago. We would like these words become anachronistic
The Story will always repeats, until you haven’t learned it. For these reasons, today more than ever, it becomes important to recover the memory of those who preceded us and who tried to read in the facts of their time the things that are happening now.
Pieces of freedom of thought, messages in a bottle left to the current of time: we have collected and cataloged those closer to the reality, we removed the references to the author, we gave them a voice and a music, to have, at the end, a narrative of present time. It surprise us when the temporal order is restored and when every sentence is repositioned in its context. Is it possible that everything was already planned?
Musica al museo
Il 26 settembre negli spazi espositivi delle Scuderie Aldobrandini di Frascati una serata di musica da suonare, da ascoltare…da ballare!
![]() Gadjo Swing alla “ricerca” della musica, manouche, swing e gipsy jazz dal vivo |
![]() La notte della milonga… “ricercata”, la settimana della scienza si conclude in punta di piedi a suon di elettrotango! |
Onde Sismiche e Onde Sonore
Onde sismiche e onde sonore: dal terremoto alla musica.
Parliamo di onde, ascoltiamo le onde, facciamo le onde
Un evento speciale, per far conoscere gli argomenti della geofisica ad un pubblico di ragazzi e di famiglie che sempre di più vogliono essere informati sui terremoti e sui vulcani. Parleremo di terremoti, di onde sismiche e di onde sonore. Partiremo dall’ascolto di brevi conferenze che ci illustrano che cos’è un terremoto e perché si manifesta. Affronteremo il tema della propagazione delle onde sismiche, per poi proporre la similitudine tra onde sismiche e onde sonore.
Lo faremo attraverso l’uso degli strumenti musicali e della voce.Cercheremo, attraverso improvvisazioni sonore, lettura di sismogrammi, esecuzione di brani musicali, di spiegare la relazione tra le onde del terremoto e la musica. Sismologi, musicisti, cantanti e intratterranno il pubblico, con l’obiettivo di suscitare curiosità verso i fenomeni scientifici.
Progetto a cura di: P. Burrato, I. Hunstad, A. Marsili, P. Casale, M. Vallocchia, G. Ventura, U. Fracassi (Laboratorio di Didattica e Divulgazione Scientifica INGV, Roma).
Dettagli programma
- Ore 18.15 – IL TERREMOTO: COME E PERCHE’ (P. Burrato)
- Ore 18.35 – DALLE ONDE SISMICHE ALLE ONDE SONORE (I. Hunstad, M.Vallocchia
- Ore 18.35 – IL CORO DELLA TERRA (P. Casale)
- Ore 18.45 – I RICERCATORI RISPONDONO Risposte alle domande del pubblico
- Ore 19.15 – CONCERTO JAZZ& BLUES a cura dei ricercatori
U. Fracassi, M. Moro, E. Spagnuolo (INGV), F.Bignami (CNR) e E. Bacchiocchi (Policlinico Gemelli)
Sismic waves and sound waves: from earthquake to music
We talk about waves, we listen to the waves, we do the waves
A special event to inform, about geophysics topics, children and family who are more and more curious about earthquakes and Volcanoes. We’ll talk about earthquakes, seismic waves and sound waves. We’ll start by listening to short lectures that will explain what is an earthquake and why it happens.
We’ll talk about the issue of seismic wave propagation, to formulate the similarity between seismic waves and sound waves.We will do it through the use of musical instruments and voice.
We’ll try, through sound improvisations, seismograms readings and music playing, to explain the relationship between the waves of the earthquake and music. Seismologists, musicians and singers will entertain audiences.
Project by: P. Burrato, I. Hunstad, A. Marsili, P. Casale, M. Vallocchia, G. Ventura, U. Fracassi ((Laboratory for Teaching and Scientific Knowledge – INGV, Rome).
- 18.00 Introduction: About Science (A. Marsili)
- 18.15 the earthquake: how and why (P. Burrato)
- 18.35 From seismic waives to sound waves (I. Hunstad, M.Vallocchia)
- 18.35 The chorus of the Earth (P. Casale)
- 18.45 the researchers’ answers – Answers to questions from the audience
- 19.15 JAZZ& BLUES Concert Concert by researchers
(U. Fracassi, M. Moro, E. Spagnuolo (INGV), F.Bignami (CNR) e E. Bacchiocchi (Policlinico Gemelli)
Researchers…a big Heart for Europe
Spettacolo in collegamento internazionale: “Researchers…a big Heart for Europe”
Lo spettacolo in collegamento live con i partner europei della manifestazione Notte dei Ricercatori 2010 (CERN-Ginevra, EFDA-JET-Culham Oxford, Erasmus Medical Center-Rotterdam, VIRGO-Pisa, ICE CUBE-Polo Sud) ha come scopo principale, mostrare le eccellenze della ricerca italiana ed Europea e presentare il lavoro dei ricercatori italiani ed Europei, sottolineando quanto questo sia indispensabile alla crescita culturale e sociale di tutta Europa.
Lo spettacolo sarà, oltre che un momento di incontro e dibattito tra esperti provenienti da varie realtà del mondo della scienza, anche un momento ludico, durante il quale gli spettatori potranno partecipare ad esperimenti e giochi in piazza (contemporaneamente nelle varie sedi).
L’evento sarà diviso in quattro atti durante i quali si alterneranno sul palco attività rivolte a spettatori di età differenti, che coinvolgeranno, oltre al pubblico stesso, i giovani ricercatori dell’area Tuscolana.
International Connection Performed: “Researchers….a big Heart for Europe”
The live show in connection with the European partners of the Researchers’ Night 2010 (Geneva, CERN, EFDA-JET-Culham, Oxford, Erasmus Medical Center-Rotterdam, VIRGO, Pisa, ICE CUBE-South Pole) has the main purpose to show the Italian and European researchers’ excellences and to present the work of Italian and European researchers, pointing out how this is essential for cultural and social growth throughout Europe.
The show will be not only an opportunity for interaction and discussion among scientific experts from different realities but a playful moment. Infact, visitors will participate in experiments and games, played in different locations at the same time.
The event will be divided into four acts. During the acts, the activities aimed to audiences of different ages, will alternate. These will involve, in addition to the public, the young researchers of Tuscolana Area.
During all acts, screenings, presentations, questions and answers between the different place of work will scheduled, especially in connection with similar activities located in different places.
The scientific journalist Paola Catapano – CERN – will lead the international connections, from the main square of Frascati
The first act, from 17:00 to 19:00, will be for kids. Young researchers from the University of Tor Vergata will realize experiments involving the children from the audience and turning them into “researchers for a night.”
During the second act (19:15 to 20:45) There will be the first international connections involving the Group of Experimental Cardiology of Rotterdam Erasmus Medical Center, the LHC experiment by CERN and the nuclear reactor of the EFDA-JET JET.
During the third act (21:00 – 22:30) there will be a science quiz for young people and families,: the whole public in the square will be divided into two teams that will compete to conquer the symbolic title of “Scientist for a Night”. At this stage, a scientific researcher and communicator, togheter with the showman, will realize some of these experiments and will ask questions to participants. Presidents and directors of main research’s centers from different “squares” in Europe will be the exeptional notaries, and they will give their opinions, or responses, on some experiments.
In the fourth and final act (22:45 – 24:00) there will be, again, a connection with international research centers, including the Kennedy Space Centre. A virtual astronomical show from Frascati will illustrate the wonders of heaven to all viewers of other European sites.
Scienza in corto – Microcosmos
Gli animatori dell’Associazione Lanterna Magica introdurranno i bambini al fantastico mondo degli insetti, attraverso uno spettacolo teatrale durante il quale tre attori coinvolgeranno i bambini, con performance ludico didattiche, per comprendere la trama del film documentario Microcosmos. Il documentario è stato girato nella zona dell’Aveyron (Auvergne) Francia, da due esperti registi – entomologhi con una cinepresa ed una telecamera speciali. E’ un film che apre le porte ad un mondo surreale e ignoto, misterioso ed entusiasmante. Le singolari riprese hanno dato spesso risultati straordinari sull’infinitamente piccolo, inimmaginabile anche alla, sia pur colorita, fantasia dei bambini.
E’ prevista la distribuzione di un giornalino illustrato a colori a tutti gli spettatori.The Animators of “Magic Lantern” Association will introduce children to the wonderful world of insects through a play. Three actors will drug children in educational performance, to understand the film – documentary “Microcosmos”.
The documentary was realized in the area of Aveyron (Auvergne) France, by two experienced directors – entomologists with a special camera.
A movie that opens the doors to a surreal, mysterious and exciting world.
the distribution to all spectators of a newspaper with color illustrations is scheduled.
Teatro Urbano
Avete esperienze di lavoro Precario nella Ricerca? Volete che la vostra storia venga raccontata?
In occasione della Settimana della Scienza e Notte Europea dei Ricercatori, Frascati Scienza produce uno spettacolo teatrale su una delle realtà più complesse del mondo della ricerca, il precariato. Questo tipo di rapporto professionale, non tutelante e sottopagato, assume un aspetto particolare in un lavoro, come quello del ricercatore, dove formazione, libertà di azione e finanziamento sono le chiavi fondamentali per nuove idee e scoperte.
Have experiences of precarious work in the field of Research? You want your story be known?
During Science Week and European Researchers’ Night, Frascati Scienza produces a theater play about one of the most complex subject of the world of research: precarious. This kind of professional relationship, unprotected and underpaid, plays a conditioning role in this kind of a job. The researcher, infact, to have new ideas and to discover, need training, freedom of action and financing.
The research system is put seriously in crisis when there is no innovation that can only be given from young people. This is difficult when who is trained is forced to leave, when after 20 years of study and work someone must change job, and when is forced to do something very different from what he has always done.