The Bruno Touschek Memorial Lectures
9 Dicembre 2009 | ||
11:00 | a | 17:00 |
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
The Bruno Touschek Memorial Lectures
will be held on December 9th in the main Auditorium (Aula Bruno Touschek).
Invited speakers:
Giorgio Salvini (La Sapienza Univ.): How it all started
Carlo Bernardini (La Sapienza Univ.): AdA and other adventures with Touschek
Mario Greco (Roma Tre Univ.): Bruno Touschek and the Bloch Nordsieck problem: resummation in QED/QCD
Claudio Pellegrini (UCLA): Instruments of discovery: from Adone to the X-ray free-electron laser
Emilio Picasso (CERN): From AdA to LEP
Nicola Cabibbo (La Sapienza Univ.): Chiral Symmetry and Partice Physics
Info and Registration on the web page: